الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2012

Medical Tourism in Aswan

Medical tourism enjoyed by the Aswan hugely popular destination in addition to being interested in the treatment of various diseases, notably arthritis who was treated in ways that primitive to inform the patient's body the hot desert sand

Research has been conducted by the many experts and international institutions have proved the validity of Joe

Aswan in the treatment of chronic diseases due to its high levels of ultraviolet radiation, low humidity, where up to 43.4% during the period from December to March, while the figure in England during the same period, between 75% to 100%.
The rays of the sun throughout the year with dry weather Akunan ideal environment for the treatment of rheumatic diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic inflammation of the kidneys
There Aswan centers for the treatment of sand and water, and the proposed establishment of a tourist village in the area stretching between the Hotel Cataract and Aswan Reservoir include special centers for physiotherapy, and clinics for patients with rheumatism and skin diseases, and accommodation for theaters, cinemas, sports stadiums, building berths for boats Nile cruises and cruise ships

As is known, the region has known for treatment in a primitive burial in the sand
There is also a treatment center World Heart Hospital, Aswan and education, administered by the World Heart surgeon Dr. Magdi Yacoub ..
, Said Mostafa Sayed said this is a big leap for medical tourism and tours, particularly as the Aswan enjoys a wide reputation in this area in addition to being a destination ideal for those interested in the treatment of various diseases, notably arthritis by the surrounding of the patient's body sand hot desert, pointing out that research and studies carried out by experts and local and international organizations have proved the validity of the weather in Aswan in the treatment of chronic diseases Karomatesm, bronchitis, asthma and inflammation of chronic kidney and other diseases due to its high percentage of ultraviolet radiation and low humidity, where is the work of a treatment program especially Bala_i_fa environmental illness rheumatoid resort of Isis combines treatment silt in the pools and black sand are from March to October of each year as much sunlight.

There is next to this center for physiotherapy by experts in sports and physical therapy with a sauna and steam with the availability of those involved in the preparation of programs for exercise (Sweden) on a scientific basis, and the governor pointed out that it qualifies Aswan to become a global hub for medical tourism at the level of the world, adding that this comes as part of a plan to maintain diversification of tourism products of archaeological and cultural tourism only to eco-tourism, recreational and therapeutic side of fishing, safari and others, especially with the good treatment of their children any visitor

Luxor crossroads of civilizations

The Arab Republic of Egypt is rich civilizations and historical monuments may be the first country in the world with treasures and invaluable relics extend to seven thousand years, through the era of the pharaohs, Greeks, Romans and Christians until the present age, the date is no doubt it goes much of the science ex.
And may be called on Egypt (or lower) due to their historical value and scientific relations between the countries of the world, we can not review the entire history of Egypt, but content ourselves with the identification of one of the most beautiful historic cities, a city of Egypt (Luxor).

Historical value since ancient times

Did not know this city as Luxor only with the Islamic conquests, which was called by several labels over the centuries and different cultures that passed them, and which (Oyono - wax) no Sun City South as opposed to Sun City North (Ain Shams now), and (AST ) in the sense scepter mark the monarchy, and (no Amon), a name that you mentioned in the Torah, which means the city of Amon, and (Luxor) and made ​​the label after the Islamic conquest of Egypt, when he impressed the Arabs His Excellency palaces and Hmokh Srouhha, launching it this name, a  
 collection of word (Palace).
Despite the different labels that did not lose its status as one of the most global cities in the world in terms of wealth and cultural heritage.The Greek poet Homer mentioned when he said them: (there is good in Egypt, where piles of glittering gold, a good percent of the door, where it passes in a military gait, four hundred men Boukalhm and vehicles, from each section of the huge doors).This shows that since ancient times, the commercial city and the focus of attention of other nations.The administrative capital of Upper Egypt in the Pharaonic era of the Sixth Dynasty in the period between (3000 - 2100 BC)..Did not take its place as it is known that high, but in the late twentieth century atheist and BC, when the princes of Thebes was able to unite the country from the Mediterranean north to the south of the First Cataract, and when they came to Egypt the Hyksos invasions from the north.And united the Two Lands, Upper and Lower Egypt, and moved the seat of government to Thebes remained the more than four centuries.Remained shorter small village belonging to the city (Qus), the capital level after the Islamic conquest of Egypt, did not stop the aggression and sabotage its heritage but when it came (Napoleon Bonaparte) Vbehrth greatness of their effects and HH civilization and magnificence of its architecture, arts, after he had managed the French scientist (Champollion) of deciphering the hieroglyphics - Writing Nakecah the ancient Egyptian language - and since that moment, attracted attention to the city of Luxor, and highlighted the dilapidated temples, and continued despite the Luxor proud of incidents that have been throughout history have become today one of the major tourist cities in the world.
Features of the history and heritage flavor

As long as I knew the city of Luxor as like a museum open where you can not take a hard look in any direction without being noticed a touch of historical value or monument heritage of the armies of the ages have passed, and although it is far from Cairo, 620 km south, there remains a store of ancient Egyptian civilization and the more than (800) and the shrine of the most fascinating archaeological and heirs of the heritage of Egypt human.Divided into shorter, in fact to the three areas there is a city of Luxor from the eastern side of the River Nile, the town crank, which lies north of Luxor, and Thebes, which lies on the western side of the River Nile and the interview of the city of Luxor is the ancient Egyptians called it the name (and AST).And tourism to this region are not new and has been identified as a hotbed for tourists since ancient Greek and Romanian, which saw the time the masses of them rush to the area to see the aesthetics of the region outpaced the effects of old.There are in Luxor are now three main ways are the Street Temple of Karnak and the Corniche Road and Station Road and the forks of the road network to aspects of the various city, and branches on the sides of these methods, many of the landmarks which was built by the city to receive tourists from different parts of the world you will find shops, coffee and major markets are sold antiques carved on the way ancient Pharaonic and some local fashion to the people of the region, with a population of nearly the shortest day of the 150 thousand citizens. It also notes that the government centers in the city were built on the approach Pharaonic such as the Egyptian national, and the police station, railway station, and it seems that the city authorities did not respond for this city to lose its authenticity and originality of civilization in the light of the revolution cultural developments of our time: She wanted to maintain the long history of the past and blended with the development of civilization in the form of a nice hug

Fascinating sight.
Luxor crossroads of civilizations

And you are roaming the streets of Luxor Sistoagafk the most important historical facilities where the Temple of Luxor built by Amenophis III, a living example of the cultures of peoples past, and from the south Sistoagafk Temple historic, another Temple of Karnak and the access road paved with stones of exquisite and on the sides of this road there are statues of microcosm of the Sphinx Joe logged on to the ancient Pharaonic civilization, as if Tasrha in its old self.There is also a lot of different temples, museums, old rich effects, for example there are the City Museum and the tombs of the Valley of the Kings and Queens and the mortuary temples and tombs of nobles and other effects timeless.The Luxor has seen great interest in restoring effects and museums over the past years, with the opening of the third floor of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the first time after its restoration, as being the completion of the restoration of the tomb of Horemheb's largest and most important tombs of the Valley of the Kings, in addition to the installation of portals for all archaeological sites open to secure against theft.Valoqsr attract the largest segment of foreign tourism coming to Egypt, mainly tourists, Italians, Germans, English, and attracts large numbers of intellectuals, artists and interested touches their art, from paintings and statues of aesthetic and technical, along the path of passing tourists, was Beauty 18 arena, through 18 work of art that combines ancient Egyptian art and art contemporary Egypt, and the rehabilitation of the Nile Corniche and lit commensurate with the nature of Luxor, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the Supreme Council of Antiquities.This historic city effects and rich treasures that stretched from Europe and up to the age of the pharaohs, the city deserves the right to visit Valtaang warm between the past and present, as evidenced by Srouhha and premises different is the link between the communities before and after that is still on the face of this simple, in spite of her childhood, but rich historical-cultural cores captured the world and made for itself a place in the hearts of visitors.

Preferred tourist destinations in Egypt or the world ...

The best tourist sites in Egypt or the world ...
In Egypt there are a lot of the great monuments of Pharaonic monuments like the pyramids in Giza and the Temple of Dendera, Qena and the effects of Alaqsralty City alone, more than a third of the effects of the world
It is most famous monuments in Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple of Luxor and the Temple of Bahari and the Valley of the Kings tombs, graves and Adyalmlkat
There is also the temple of Abu Simbel, Aswan. And the tombs of the princes of western Aswan
And effects of the Greek and Romanian in Alexandria, such as the Roman theater, and a pillar Asherah
It Alatharalqubtihadirh Valley Lake Natron and the convent of Muharraq in Assiut
Islamic mosques and monuments, castles, schools, castles months it is the Citadel of Saladin Citadel in Cairo and Alexandria Qitbay
Of tourism and the beautiful modern Musrberg in Cairo and Ismailia great peace and Almusrybalqahirh Museum and the Museum of Islamic Art and the Museum of Art Coptic Cairo
And now I leave you with pictures of some of these places that talk about Nevshaoleki enjoy the beauty of these charming areas

The best tourist sites in Egypt (Temple of Dendera

The best tourist sites in Egypt (Luxor Temple

The best tourist sites in Egypt (Karnak Temple

Ras Mohammed

Ras Mohammed is a nature reserve in South Sinai specifically on the 12 km from Sharm El Sheikh. Bordering the Gulf of Aqaba to the east and borders the Gulf of Suez to the West. Established protected natural in 1983. I leave you with some pictures of this beautiful natural protected


Monastery of St. Catherine in South Sinai

Abdeen Palace architectural masterpiece

Abdeen Palace in Cairo from the inside

Spa Istanbul

The traditional Turkish bath is one of the most requested tourist in Turkey.

Steam baths are very popular among

  visitors to Istanbul in the hot summer months. But the number of Turks who go to the spa town is falling continuously, and turned most of the historic baths to other uses or shut their doors completely.
Flow and gossip fun and talk through the hot air filled with steam.
And sits a few women as well as bathtub, Asakbn water on their bodies and their babies, before moving towards the large marble slab in the middle of the bathroom. And use aid rough sponges to clean the skin of visitors.

And perhaps move toward conversations selected candidates for the marriage of their children, or comments on the naked bodies of young women. After completion of the sponge, comes the stage of strong soap and massage. All of this was a common scene in the Turkish baths in Istanbul in the decades gone by.
Today, a visit to a spa experience is quite different, the first thing contemplated when you go to the bathroom «Cemberlitas» in the center of old Istanbul is filled with glass shelves carefully colored bathing products offered for sale. Women of the light-skinned Erkdn smooth on a stone in a warm room, which is usually a hot well, even during the hot summer months.

The day the sun shines through the windows in the dome and roof of the bathroom and its rays fall on the interior design of the bath Almsdan white marble. And rub the workers who are in the bathroom dressed «bikini» Gently bodies of the guests of the women with soap. Not hear the whispers in the bathroom, the bathroom and disappeared role as a place to network and exchange information as it was out of date.

According to Rosen, Al Taji, the owner of bath «Cemberlitas»: «the era of the old baths ended». In the past, visit the bathroom is the only time you can wipe the Turks time with themselves freely, «but these days they can frequenting bars, cinemas and commercial markets», and that most of the houses became the bathrooms private, which reduces the importance of the public toilets. This explains why the traditional Turkish baths turned into a magnet for tourists.