الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2012

Story of building the High Dam (and the struggle of the people)

High Dam project is a project that is thanks to the engineer put the Greek "Daios," has already been made by more than the Government of Egypt before the revolution, but it was not even deliver the lowest response for the promise of research project and its economic feasibility,

In 1953 made his project back to the Revolutionary Command Council, but this time attracted much attention by the revolutionary leadership and assigned wing leader Gamal Salem, a member of the Revolutionary Command Council to assume responsibility for this project as well as professionals in the councils and professional bodies who will research and study, etc..

We have already developed a revolutionary leadership that took power after the July 1952 issue of development of its top concerns in the top of its agenda, and was keen to remove any obstacles blocking the capital contribution to the national or foreign in development, also issued Law No. 213 of 1952 in October / October, 1952 which was established by the Permanent Council of the production as an independent body for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the task of research and study of major economic projects that would be the development of production at the national level, and the development of an integrated national plan for economic development.

And began this Council in the development of detailed studies of many development projects in the sectors of irrigation, agricultural expansion and refining of oil and oil pipelines and the development of mineral resources, transportation and other sectors within the framework of long-term vision of the Egyptian economy.

And therefore it was natural that the draft of the High Dam due attention in the production after that enthusiastic with the leadership of the revolution on the political level and, indeed, was the formation of a sub-committee includes a number of members of the Revolutionary Command Council and a number of members of the production of experts and technicians headed by Gamal Salem for further research and study for this project, the Committee held several meetings at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Command Council the island, attended by some engineer Greek Daios, and concluded after extensive studies to recognize the usefulness of the project and the need to implement and also made recommendations to that effect to the Revolutionary Command Council, which agreed in principle to the implementation of the project and start take practical steps in this regard.

The first step is to organize a series of lectures on the High Dam, and began with lectures and seminars in the club of military officers, Zamalek, in which he spoke a number of professional engineers and explained the dimensions of the project and should be expected from the return, also held a series of lectures again in the Engineers Association, and in the Egyptian Society for Engineers targeted the entire to prepare public opinion on the levels of scientific, political and popular for this project.

It represents the main obstacle that has prevented the research or the implementation of a project of this size in the era of pre-revolution is the absence of political stability, for example, there was the electrification of the Aswan Reservoir, a project was the subject of speculation among the parties in their programs, and use it as a propaganda tool and a means to gain power and then quickly folded and overthrown by the project in limbo for a government which the other party renewed the same scenario,

When he came the revolution carried out immediately to the electrification of the Aswan Reservoir, and worked at the same time to involve the offices of consulting foreign study the High Dam project along the Egyptian experts who have the advantage of the capabilities and competencies of a large and global as well in this area, and all the studies confirmed the safety of the project in terms of economic feasibility for the future Egypt, was among those who took the study of the project officially the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has already prepared a study by Eugene Black, pointing out that the state of the economy allows the completion of the Egyptian High Dam project.

As stated by experts from the United States, Britain, West Germany and France to coordinate with the group charged with discussing the project, and took care of all of the engineers Mohammed Sidqi Suleiman and Mahmoud Younis and Samir Helmy and Ahmed Abdou Sherbasi and Ibrahim Zaki Qenawi, Musa Arafat and others to coordinate with these experts and to provide the necessary facilities for them to develop the required studies on the the project.

A project of this magnitude was in need of bold political decision, and was Gamal Abdel Nasser enjoy seeing the long term strategy did not take a hasty decision was not his positions stems from the reaction, and then has contained all the results reached by specialized technical studies for the High Dam project and sought to converted to the "national dream" is to recruit him all the energies and expertise to put it into practice and began to put him on its agenda in its discussions and meetings with Arab and foreign officials also deliberated upon in his conversations ongoing with the co-Tito and Nehru, the taking of looking for sources of financing, and seemed to submitting it to the bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, who said in a report published in the month of June 1955 the project's viability,

Word of this report also "that Egypt adopted the eight million dollars to implement some of the preparatory work for the project includes the establishment of railways, and housing for employees at the site," In August / August of the same year the Bank issued another report confirms the ability of the Egyptian economy to implement the project, and in September / September 1955 announced that some companies, the West German and French and British offered bids to participate in the implementation of the project in the form of a "consortium".

It seemed that the project has the interest in political circles in both the United States and Britain have as an opportunity to link the support of the development plans initiated by the revolution of the hand, and the establishment of a regional system ensures Western interests and open the way for a settlement with the "Israel" on the other. And began the Soviet Union enters as a third party in the competition, especially after a Czech arms deal in September year 1955 and the same time the news of the deal told the Soviet ambassador in Cairo that his country is ready to contribute in building the High Dam, and select this contribution with technical assistance, equipment, and funds are repaid goods during the twenty-five years, and led to a large panic in the West, Britain and moved to Washington warning of the Soviet threat next.

He chose Nasser to test the intentions of the West again after failed attempts to obtain weapons it began, Dr. Abdel-Moneim El-Kaissouni and Minister of Economy, a series of visits to the capitals of the Bank and held many negotiations, which resulted in an agreement in principle announced by the U.S. State Department on December 16 / December 1955 and requires that The World Bank and the United States and Britain finance the High Dam at a cost of $ 1.3 billion

Is distributed as follows:

1 - Provide $ 70 million for the first phase of the project (the United States provides $ 56 million, Britain has provided $ 14 million).

2 - Provide $ 200 million for the second phase in the form of a loan from the World Bank in addition to a further $ 130 million loan from the United States of America and $ 80 million loan from Britain, to be paid at the pictures premiums annual interest rate of 5% repayable over forty years.

3 - the rest of the amount borne by Egypt in local currency.

4 - In addition, the first scholarships from the United States in the amount of twenty million pounds from Britain, the second of five and a half million pounds.

At a time when negotiations on the financing of the High Dam to take this path positive on the surface were the political relations between Egypt's hand and the United States and Britain on the other hand take a different path because of the battle of alliances and the arms deal and attacks, "Israel" on Gaza and the other as shown, has it was clear both countries keen on acquiring cards to pressure the July Revolution in conflict with the strategy pursued by the latter on the independence of its decision and insist on complete freedom from any foreign pressure

Came the conditions set by the two countries to implement the financing agreement of the High Dam confirmed this trend, coupled with the previous presentation to the following conditions:

1 - Egypt to focus its development on the High Dam National converting third of their income for a period of ten years for this project with the imposition of control over other economic projects.

2 - Develop controls to curb inflation and government spending, and imposed censorship on the expenses of the Egyptian government and the conventions of foreign or foreign debt. Egypt and not to accept loans or other agreements held in this regard only after approval by the World Bank.

3 - retain the right to review the funding policy in cases of necessity.

Raised these conditions the wrath of President Nasser, it was more like the situation that prevailed during the reign of Khedive Ismail, and produced all the case of loss of confidence in the possibility of helping the United States in the implementation of the project, and ended the President to estimate the position convinced him that sense, but he was keen to avoid a confrontation for the last moment until the unfolding U.S. position clearly and unambiguously and explicitly in the light of the messages repeated her back-channel and official visits of U.S. officials, which confirmed the fact that one is the insistence of the U.S. side to control the policies of the revolution and paid to a path that serves U.S. strategy and interests of the West in the basis, especially with regard to agreement with the "Israel", and that was being in close coordination with the British side unfolded dimensions in more than one occasion, as revealed by the American and British documents recently published.

In this context he met President Gamal Abdel Nasser Eugene Black, World Bank President, and after negotiations, agreed Nasser just to be the World Bank's rights of reasonable check on the actions that will be taken by Egypt to curb inflation, a deal announced on February 8, 1956 The Bank whereby a loan of two hundred million dollars that its implementation depends on reaching another agreement with London and Washington about the conditions under which they declared to provide assistance.

In the first week of July 1956 received the President Abdul Nasser, Ambassador Ahmed Hussein, Egypt's ambassador in Washington at a rest Burj Al Arab west of Alexandria, and talked about the U.S. position to finance the High Dam project, and Ahmed Hussein, known for his tendencies of America and supporters of the development of relations and cooperation with Washington has tried at this meeting to justify the position of John Foster Dulles, U.S. Secretary of State, which was characterized by stalling and intransigence and took dwells in the interpretation of pressures from the Zionist circles, and some men of the U.S. Congress.

But Nasser knew deep down that it does not come out the limits of the exercise, and that America will not offer to contribute to the implementation of the project, and stuck to Ahmed Hussein, his position and his attempts to interpret and justification, and after hearing him Nasser at length blurted: "Well (said it in English All Right) I'll give you the opportunity to prove anything to you Ahmed Egypt, dating back to Dallas and tell him you accept all terms, and note the reactions, and to me what is pw Hanchov being after this? ".

And dropped in the hands of Ahmed Hussein and asked the President whether he does not want to modify the conditions of America.

Said to him, Nasser: "No changes in the conditions, you are authorized full authorization and together" "Carte blanche", and says to Dallas: "I accepted the Bashrotkm and that renewed U.S. commitment to the High Dam every year, but I warn you, O Ahmed Never say or do anything to harm the dignity of Egypt, which for some reason is quite clear is that we will not get the High Dam of Americans. "

And headed by Ahmad Hussein to Washington via London, and unlike his agreement with President Nasser made statements showed weakness is no justification at all, he said: "Egypt accepts all of the proposals assessed on the High Dam, and she hopes to assist them in building the High Dam, and depend on these and request assistance. "

In the meantime, we were in the company of President Gamal Abdel Nasser in an official visit to Yugoslavia, Ahmed Hussein, when he made these statements and the President expressed disgruntlement as he felt that Egypt had been humiliated and had to Ahmad Hussein declared that the words be matched by the Dallas according to the instructions and surprised by his position.

According to the president with our prior information about Ahmed Hussein and the growing connections in the period 1955-1956 with some parties in America have seen this statement as a diversion for the Egyptian position in detail and carries the meaning of vandalism in our policy, especially since the president had warned him not to take any say or did result in prejudice to the dignity of Egypt. Ahmed Hussein, why volunteer this position? Why in London in particular? Why before the Dallas meeting in Washington? Especially as he heard a specific estimate of Gamal Abdel Nasser expresses his firm belief that America will not give the High Dam of Egypt.

Ahmed Hussein, was of the opinion expressed later, he intended to maneuver and put pressure on the U.S. side, especially since it hinted in his remarks to the Soviet Union's readiness to provide assistance in building the High Dam. In fact, there has been no communication by Egypt with the Soviet Union on this subject, either closely or from afar until one year after 0.1957 and all achieved the statement is to give the opportunity for Dallas because well prepared.

Once arrived, Ahmed Hussein to Washington, even followed by a series of events as follows:

- When he received the Dallas told Ahmed Hussein was quick to inform Eisenhower, who was present at Camp David after suffering a heart attack, and a sense of Dallas that he would face a severe embarrassment if they had told him Ahmed Hussein formally accepted by Egypt to the conditions of America, told Eisenhower that the Egyptians do not react with it at all, and that it is proposed to withdraw offer assistance in building the High Dam .. Eisenhower stated that his authorized representative to act freely according to what he sees.

- Set on the afternoon of July 19, 1956 deadline to receive the Dallas Ahmed Hussein in the building of the U.S. State Department, and after entering the Office of Dallas a few minutes passed, spokesman of State, "Lincoln and White," a statement announcing the withdrawal of the U.S. offer to finance the Aswan High Dam, and that was before they start talking between Ahmed Hussein and John Foster Dulles.

Ahmed Hussein has sent a report to President Nasser for the meeting, said:

- The Dallas surprise when they sit down, saying that the United States of America, Mr. Ambassador would issue a statement now, and we regret that we will not help you in building the High Dam and that his country had decided to withdraw its offer because Egypt's economy can not afford this project.

Here, Ambassador Ahmed Hussein tried to protest but the Mavericks continued to read what is written in front of him, which was prepared in advance, where he went on:

- The United States believes that it is building the High Dam - whatever - will gain hatred of the Egyptian people because the burden of it would be devastating and overwhelming, and added that it is not in a position of the Egyptian people to bear the burden of implementing this huge project, Vmttlebatth beyond what can sources of Egypt intolerable private After its commitment to buy weapons (intended to Czech arms deal), and we in the United States of America does not want to be hated in Egypt, and will leave this benefit to the Soviet Union if he thinks he wants to build the High Dam.

- Adds Dallas said his country believed that the Soviet Union does not have the resources to complete the project if implemented, States pledged its Staatmrd upon where they are helping Egypt, while refusing to provide similar assistance required by these countries.

- Dallas confirms that the Czech arms deal held by Egypt would cause embarrassment to the U.S. government regarding the continuation of its economic assistance to Egypt because the dignity of America is now in the dust because of allegations that some of the votes in America that means Egypt for assistance is defamation and opposition to American policy.

- He was upset personally from the arms deal, especially as the United States government has demonstrated in recent years sincerity in helping Egypt has also played an important role in reaching an agreement evacuation, and committed to stand impartial between the Arabs and "Israel", and even pressured to "Israel" When you try to execute projects in the Sea of ​​Galilee, despite the decision of the Security Council to stop these projects. He also said that the representatives of "Israel" They stated to him that "Israel" can not wait until you complete the Arabs are willing to eliminate them, as mentioned serious consequences that result from the empowerment of communism oil Arab countries and deprive the West of it, and that he personally finds himself embarrassed and his position is difficult because "Israel," There is no doubt you will be prompted to obtain weapons and U.S. safeguards will be used in order to achieve the demands of all means of pressure which if successful will be detrimental to America to the Arabs.

In response to these views on the urgent Ahmed Hussein said the following:

- That he was transferred to the U.S. Secretary of State confirmation of President Gamal Abdel Nasser that the Czech arms deal is in fact a business deal but do not hold any other nature.

- That Egypt will not allow leakage of any foreign influence to it and is keen to resist communism, and they accepted the offer of the Czech Republic as a result of the difficulties encountered in obtaining arms from Western countries.

- Adds Ahmed Hussein, demonstrated on this occasion to Egypt's policy realism and constructive recalling the significant role played by the technicians Egyptians to help Eric Johnston in the development project on the River Jordan, and President Nasser himself has expressed to the Arab delegations other support for the project which helped Johnston to convince some of the feasibility of the project and safety.

- Also touched on the U.S. economic aid in the current year, and pointed out that Egypt wants to apply for 360 thousand tons of U.S. wheat in accordance with the law "480 b".

But the United States of America designed for refusing to finance the Aswan High Dam as President Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Thus the case were not of concern to U.S. officials or U.S. State in particular is the ability of the Egyptian economy or the effects of political or economic implications of the High Dam project, but the real crisis lies in the inability of the U.S. administration to accept the new situation in the region that resulted from the July Revolution in 1952 its inability to deal with the new force as she raised the goals of carries from the American point of view a challenge for both parameters established by the colonial powers in the Middle East over the long years previous, and was on the Egypt Revolution to accept the challenge, and continues its plans for construction, growth and development , and relies on its resources, was the nationalization of the Suez Canal Company.

The cost of the dam stood at 400 million pounds if built today would cost 18 billion pounds

Began to think about the project at the end of 1952, the Greek Egyptian engineer Daios.

The project started in January 9, 1960.

The first phase ended in mid-May / May 1964 to divert river water to a channel conversion.

In mid-October / October 1967 the body of the dam rose to the level of 172 meters, and launched the first spark of the High Dam power station in the January 9, 1969 run three turbines.

In July 1970 the project was completed 12 turbines running.

The cost of the dam about 400 million pounds, even if we wanted to build today will cost 18 billion pounds. (Estimated by the engineers Sheikh Ibrahim Zaki Qenawi).

Dam building of marble, granite, sand and silt layer is mediated by a deaf mud Aswani.

Dam the river close to the march of about seven kilometers to the south of the old Aswan Dam and diverts water to the stream channel is a new open-centered six tunnels connected at the end of a power plant equipped with twelve units.

Capacity of Lake Nasser is 164 billion cubic meters of which 30 billion cubic meters to accommodate the silt after continued Rsoppe for several centuries, and 37 billion cubic meters of flood high, and 97 billion cubic meters a capacity of living of the tank to ensure that conduct a fixed annual amount: 84 billion cubic meters for Egypt, including 5.55 billion and 18.5 billion for Sudan, and the remaining 10 billion is destined to lose from the basin of the reservoir evaporation and leakage.

Showing the course of the river at the dam site 205 meters.

Length of the dam at the top is 3820 meters.

Maximum height of the dam 111 meters.

View a 980 m dam.

Width of the road above the dam is 40 meters.

* Lake:

- 500 km along the lake.

- Average width of the lake 11.8 km.

- Surface area of ​​5900 sq km lake.

- The maximum capacity for storage in the lake 164 billion cubic meters.

* The course of the conversion:

- The total length of the course of conversion 1950 meters.

- Along the canal front open 1,150 meters.

- The length of the tunnels including the power plant 315-meter.

- The length of the rear channel open 485 meters.

- The length of the tunnel 282 meters.

- The number of tunnels 6.

- The disposal of the maximum can be passed in the course of conversion 11 000 cubic meters / sec.

- Inner diameter of the tunnel 15 meters.

* Power plant:

- Total installed power 2.1 million kw.

- The number of electrical units 12.

- The power of each unit and 175,000 kilowatts.

- 57.5 meters compressor design.

The public sector and the High Dam

* The Arab Contractors:

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