الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2012

Date of the names of the streets of Cairo

Ahmed Helmy
The most prominent newspaper journalist in the era leader, Major General Mustafa Kamel - famous for campaigning Khedivial critical to the family - the first journalist was sentenced to prison - called on Egyptians to boycott the goods of the English press for the establishment of a parliament in Egypt - the artist's grandfather, Salah Jaheen

Son of support t
Is Emsrouh Ben Snyder - was a slave to the Arabs in the objects of Islam - The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him every Muslim - moved to Egypt during the reign of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him and give him Amr bin Aas this region

Cairene bourgeois headquarters and its name is due to the Atabeg Ozpk plans bin al-Ashraf, one of the Mamluks, which began in Barsbay reconstruction in 880 Ahjriabadma area was desolate and the course of drilling from the Gulf of Nazareth to deliver water to the Uzbek land has encouraged people around the construction Fbdo

Bringing owned in 1775 and then sold it to Tamerlane, who gave him Alymurad your replied gift thousand ardebs of grains was named Millennium, and freed - famous for violence and built several Qsourouharb French and his forces represent half the power of the Mamluks - ties to English writers are good and resisted Mohammad Ali in the rule of Egypt - the disease and died 1807

Batal Ahmed Abdel Aziz
Kabarillat of the Egyptian army - and when he saw that the Arab rulers Kdtakhroa in a resolution to the Arab armies into Palestine in 1948 against the Zionists resigned from the Egyptian army and go with a group of his men to resist the Zionist forces in Palestine and A_i_hd

After the opening of Muslims led by Amr ibn al-Aas, a fortress of Babylon on the eastern shore of the Nile pass through the men of the army to take over guarding the river opposite the fort became known as Giza

Proportion to Abbas Hilmi I - the grandson of Mohammed Ali Pasha - which created the great Galatasaray

Basin observed
Relative to a basin of granite black length 270 cm and width front 138 cm and the back 178 cm and a height of 192 cm and was ready to drink and when he entered the French Egypt took him from his position and sent him to Paris and taken over by the British and is in the Museum of London

Proportion to the Abbasid caliphs who lived and were buried in this area

Dr. Michel Bakhoum
A senior structural engineers in Egypt - Learning at the University of Cairo, and participated in several major projects in Egypt - lived in the period 1913-1981

Proportion to Sheikh Mohammed Demerdash - cleric in favor of

Relative to the collector Alroiei established by Mr. Ahmed Alroiei Shahbandar traders in Egypt in the ninth century AH

In 1830 Mohammad Ali Pasha built a palace between the farms in the north of the island and large taken place for a walk and was near the palace O_khasas and huts where the men line up his entourage became known as Zamalek Albanian meaning of a word or shanty huts made of reeds and straw

Allah is knower, Sheikh Ahmed bin Abdul Wahab Zgle - Islamic scholar scholar his works in the literature and mysticism - lived in the period 1492-1565

Sheikh Rihan
Relative to a corner in the middle of the shrine of Sheikh Rihan

Mahmoud Hamdi Pasha astronomer - of the students of Ali Mubarak - astronomer - took the glasses of Public Works in 1882 - lived in the period 1815-1885

Kasr Al-Aini
Established by Shahabuddin Ahmudbn Abdul Rahim bin Badr Eddin Kadyalqdhahalhanafih Mahmudalaana in 1466 and knew Bakasralaana taken over by the Mamelukes and the French and Bonaparte used it as a hospital and then established the Muhammad Ali military school in 1825 and in 1856 opened Saidbasha School of Medicine and his administration took Clute your

In January 1868 quoted Alambtdian School (a primary in Turkish) to the eastern boundary of Nasiriyah Street at the Palace Bardisi

Monia was called Matar and Abu Jafar al-Mansur had appointed his master rain factor into Egypt in the year 157 Hijri and isolate the Mahdi in the year 159 Hijri

In 1873 held a wedding wedding three princes and a princess of the children of Khedive Ismail - were established theaters, stadiums and fired rockets and weddings as long as forty days.

Attributed to Azzedine Prince music - a prince Sultan Saladin and established a bridge Moski was Taibagira by piety and respect for scientists and died in Damascus, 584 AH

Housing in this region of the Arab tribe of Beni Wael know - and was attributed by the barrages of its inception to the bin Anazarmamed

The door of creation
Originally named the door of the breach and the space was penetrated by the breach and then the wind was called to the character creation

The door of poetry
Infection known as the door to his presence in front of Mosque of infection and a range of Berber poetry they are told they are the sons of poetry and Mzana visit Hawara

Bab al-Louk
The waters of the River Nile flooded the land during a flood and then recede by Vtaatrkha soft do not need to plow the land was 'convergence Luke' any sow the seeds and that the cause was also named Luuq Onhaerd high 'Allq' is the high ground

Door Zewailah
Name of tribe Zewailah It is one of the Fatimid army divisions that came to Egypt under the leadership of Commander Johralskulai

Almaza Airport
Formed relative to the diamond
The course of a pilot who lived in Egypt in the thirties and Alerbaana T..
And discovered with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton - Mission in the ordered and took the prince from the cost of the family of Muhammad Kamal al-Din to his name - a cave in Owainat on the border between Egypt and Libya, containing charges dating back thousands of years.
And had written him out of a Canadian novelist Sri Lankan novel publicized and spread very special after conversion to the film 'The English Patient', but the events of the novel does not represent the fact that the private diary of a man who published Hungarian and German

Hassan Sabri
Bdahyate a lawyer and was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to Egypt in London - was appointed finance minister in the government of Abdel-Fattah Yahya 1933-1934, and then minister of transport and trade and industry in the government of Ali Maher, 1936 and in the government of Mohamed Mahmoud 37 and Oserlharbah in 38 - its relationship to English writers and document enabled him to be Prime Minister of Egypt 1940

Khan al-Khalili
Proportion to the President Khalili Jharks stables during the reign of Sultan al-Zahir plum and this place was in the family cemetery of the Fatimid Caliphs - when creating and Khan El Khalili Khalili Jharks insulted the sanctity of the dead for the consequence of God and died in the battle of dead bad Levant

Hussein Rushdi Pasha - Prime Minister of Egypt four times, then chairman of the Senate - died in 1928

Saad Zaghloul
Champion and leader of the Egyptian revolution of 1919 - Born 1860 - appointed Minister of Education, 1906 - elected and legitimate agent of the Association 1913 - refused his request with the Egyptian delegation to travel to France to present the case of Egypt - banished to Malta triggering the revolution - died in 1927

Selim I
Sultan of Turkey was born in 1467 turned against his father and declared himself Sultan of Turkey in 1512 and killed his brothers to Anfredbalsulth - prepared his armies for the invasion of Musrōhzm Qansuh Ghouri and to Egypt in a meadow glutinous and after him Tumanbay in Ridanih and entered the bank in 1517 and this history and Egypt signed under the Ottoman occupation

Suleiman Pasha
Military (French) - named Colonel Saif - was used by Muhammad Ali in the establishment and training of the Egyptian army - became minister of war - died in 1860

Simon Bolivar
A freedom fighters - Spain fought to liberate Latin America - called the editor of Latin America - has lived in the period 1783-1830

Mohammed Pasha Sheriff - Turkish origin father Shaykh al-Islam in Turkey and sent him to learn at Al-Azhar him Muhammad Ali to Meith and I love Egypt and sincere to Howtqld several jobs until he became prime minister during the reign of Said Pasha and Ismail, Tawfiq and the Orabi Revolution and died in 1884 aged 72

Safia Zaghloul
Is Ms. Safia Mustafa Fahmi - or Egyptian - the wife of leader Saad Zaghloul - a journey she shared editing - died in 1946

Knapp Sultan Ghouri Qansuh Musrostherbaladl in the rule of the people I love and humility prepared the Army after the defeat of Guensohalgora Selim I to defend the Ottoman army in Musrquaom Markhridaniho scuff Blanehassanolknh defeated and he was offered on behalf of a sound, but he refused and was sentenced to death and hanged on the door Zewailah

Aisha Timorese
Is the elder sister of Ahmed Pasha Timor - female literary writer and poet - have a Cabinet-style ornament - lived in the period 1840-1902

In late March 1863 he visited the Sultan Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Turkey Msirad mandate of the rule of Egypt, Ismail Pasha in Egypt, and stayed ten days in which movement between Cairo and Alexandria and in 1870 initiated the street from the hard threshold to Abdeen Abdalazizatkhalida and called for the visit

Abdel-Azim Rashid
Minister of Public Works in the Ministry of Abdel-Fattah Yahya in the first period of 1933 to 1934 was the loyal men of King Fouad

Abdel Kader Hamza
Senior journalist published a newspaper newspaper people then established author - lived in the period 1888-1941

Abdel-Moneim Riad
And Daam 1919 and graduated from the military in 1938, then studied at the School of Artillery and became a teacher - are involved in World War II and then traveled in 1946 Alyangeltr a and 55 to Russia, called the General Golden - live up to the head of Hath staff cited in the March 9, 69 on the front in the war of attrition

Imad al-Din
Is Sheikh Imad al-Din's tomb near the intersection of Sheikh Mohamed Farid with basil

Palace of the Nile
Nile Palace is the Palace built by Mohamed Ali Pasha to his daughter Zainab - the demolition of Said Pasha Algosroaqam this place the Egyptian army barracks

Clute your
French doctor originally - was entrusted by Muhammad Ali Pasha was elected chairman of the military doctors - set up a school to train doctors from the Egyptians in Abu Zaabal - lived in the period 1793-1868

Mohammed is your Laz Ihsanoglu - Under Egypt during the reign of Muhammad Ali, and close to him - died in 1827

Mohamed Farid
Graduated from law school in 1887 - Chairman of the National Party after Mostafa Kamel - defended the rights of Egyptians in Europe and sacrificed his fortune to serve his country - died in 1919

Mohamed Mazhar
Egyptian engineer great - a lesson in Musroarzle Muhammad Ali in the first scholarships to France to study marine engineering and excelled in them - after his return was entrusted by Muhammad Ali built Varaloxanderah - participated in the creation of Alguenataralkhiria that Tattabrmadzh engineering at the time - blessed him Alkhdioasmail rank Alpashoah

Proportion to the tribe of Murad of Yemen, which joined a large contingent of men with the army of Amr ibn al-Aas conquered Egypt in the street was called on the name of those very Almoradian - Most of the men of the army Amr ibn al-Aas, who conquered Egypt from the Arabs of Yemen

Armenians Turkish origin - the first Prime Minister in the history of modern Egypt in 1878 - died in 1899

Huda Shaarawi
Is Ms. Karima Mohammed Sultan Pasha and the wife of Ali Pasha Shaarawi - pioneers of the Renaissance Women in Egypt - died in 1947

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