الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2012

Temple of Luxor secret history

Luxor Temple was built for the worship of tourism and the death of Amon Ra and Khonsu, the gods also called Tibi, the title of the Trinity (Trinity good), is based on the situation during the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate era and the beginning of the modern state.
The most important tourist existing temple buildings are those built by the kings Amenhotep III - of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and Ramses II - the family of the ninth century.

The destroyed three-cabin that had been built before in the reign of Queen Hatshepsut and King Tuthmosis III of the Eighteenth Dynasty; and then rebuilt in the reign of King Ramses II.
The kings in the later periods change some of the wall reliefs, for example the scenes of rejoicing, "Opt" covenant of Tutankhamun and Horemheb; as well as scenes of the Holy tourist cabin complex in the era of Alexander the Great.

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