الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2012

Women in history

Egyptian women have played important roles in the history of Egypt, and Messien themselves

Wisdom and courage. Egypt and sentenced women, such as Queen Durr trees; while

Helped others, such as Queen Ahhotep, their children in achieving their glory.

Queens of the ancient Egyptians monographs governance

Few queens who are only Anfredn rule in Egypt ages

The old.

This was usually occurs after the death of their husbands; at the time it remained

Their sons or their husbands' sons under the age of governance.

Queens and took over the rule in such cases became pregnant and the title of "King of Egypt

Upper and lower "; which was not accepted by the ancient Egyptians, by virtue of

Of tradition.

Following their deaths, their names and their achievements were erased from memory as they were

Wiped off the effects. Usually Ahdhen was witnessing changes in the ruling families.

The list of celebrities queens monographs governance include: Nate Aikrt

Or Netocris and Sobek Navarro and Hatshepsut and Tausert. Perhaps Nate Aikrt

Netocris widow or the last king of the Sixth Dynasty, ruled for a brief period


Sobek Navarro

Navarro sentenced Sobek after the death of her husband King Amenemhat IV, at the end of the Twelfth Dynasty.


The head of Queen Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut was the greatest of the reign of the female; long history of ancient Egypt. Has ruled the country after the early death of her husband Tuthmosis II, one of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty, for about twenty years; in partnership with the beginning of the Tuthmosis III, the son of her husband, and then alone.


The Tausert, she was a widow City II; the last king of the family of the nineteenth.


Is one of the most female characters in Pharaonic times in Egypt.
Queen was the beautiful Nefertiti, the wife of King Akhenaten and the Nefertiti supported her husband during the religious reforms, social, and then moved with him to Akhetaten, or Tell el-Amarna, which chose the capital of the pharaohs in the religious revolution and the political by calling to the worship of one God and get rid of the influence and the corruption of the priests in Thebes .
And appeared with him during the ceremonies and rituals, and family scenes, landscapes, even in traditional military campaigns, featuring a the elimination of enemies.
Then one of their daughters died a Mikit - furnace, was filmed by the sadness in some of the cartoons wall. After the death of their daughter, Nefertiti disappeared from the royal court and was replaced by her daughter, Merritt, furnace, and got the title of Great Royal Wife.
Nefertiti died in the fourteenth year of Akhenaten's rule, and could have been buried in the cemetery royal tombs, in the Tel el-Amarna, but is not found on her body.
There are many famous statues of Queen Nefertiti, which reflect the characteristic of the beauty of the high.

The impact of the Ptolemaic queens

Kings on their husbands

During the Ptolemaic period, women were equals in the ruling class of men in all respects, be a great adult role in public affairs. Be the missions are receiving from their husbands and get what you need such missions from the rights and privileges, and be Abennin Aassn temples, cities and armies, driving and own castles and forts.

Ikmn place of the king or sometimes women participate in governance on an equal footing with the king. And are available for these queens the same desire, which was when their husbands to the culture. That a woman such as Orsenauy the second wife of Ptolemy II, was beautiful, capable and Her control and influence, and had a tremendous impact on those around them. We have exercised great influence on her brother, and her husband at the same time, which has been obedient to the charm so that he nicknamed Philadelphus any lover of his sister.

Orsenauy had first brought the foreign policy of her husband, and often foreign cities and the Apostles relate and consult with them. And perhaps on the advice of this wife Philadelphus sent a delegation to Rome requesting friendship with them. Arsenauy death was the beginning of a decline of the Ptolemaic tide, because Orsenauy was pursuing Egyptian influence in Central Greece, and that Ptolemy could not resist and maintain. When she died, her name immortalized Ptolemy that launched the province of Fayoum, which was reformed, and became known as the province Arsenauy.

Gold coin to Arsenaua

Mothers of sultans celebrities

There is little information available about the upbringing of the children of the sultans, but we know from some of the stories such as the Thousand and One Nights that mothers do love their children were loved so much and shield them from punishment, as Ajtahedn always protect them from the oppression of their parents in orbit with what they made of imprecision. Atoran but probably not for the killing of any person who was threatening the lives of their children.

In Ayyubid mother helped her son Nur al-Din to escape from the punishment of his father King just after that I swear to cut his hands after Ahtsaúh wine.

Historical sources also indicate that Khatoon, girl Berke has poisoned the Prince Babak when it became aware that it is working to isolate her son home for the Sultanate of Egypt.

Or as provided al-Nasir Muhammad son outside the borders of Egypt for fear of conspiracies that were hatched against him by the aspirants to the throne.

Another example is the Khawand Zeinab, Khasik girl, which left the royal palace with the castle to catch her two sons, pro-Ahmed and Mohammed, in Mahbshma. Ahmed and started nursing until his death, and there she asked the Sultan Khhqdm to carry his body to Cairo to be buried next to his father-Ashraf Inal.

The Khawand Oslbaa mother of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Bey when she learned of the threat staring at her child from his uncle Qansuh, and has put them Hfatthma fulfillment of their respective owner.

There is another story is the story of Anouk, the son of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, the passion flower called love singer, and his mother helped him, Khawand Tgay, Bossalha to enjoy. When come to the attention of his father Sultan al-Nasir, they killed him not for his mother, the wife of al-Nasir Muhammad, Khawand Tgay had intervened.

This great respect and privilege enjoyed by women in the era were echoed in many historical sources.

This reflects the beauty of the building which was built by al-Ashraf Shaaban for his mother, "Mrs. Umm Sultan Shaban" great love for his mother.

Islam women celebrities

There is historical evidence to prove active participation of women in scientific and religious life at.

As history has recorded the names of many who Achtggueln grammar and poetry. The Achtggueln of jurisprudence and modern Fddhen countless.

Suffice it to point to Sheikha Fatima Abbas, bond girl, Baghdad, which Maqrizi title of "Lady women its time," stated that it was a scholarly woman and prolific science.

Also famous for some of the women in the modern correct Bukhari in the Citadel.

Also, many of the scholars of the Mamluk era heard from some women celebrities who passed them. As the crowd of students Sakhaawi how science Anas Abdul Karim girl of his time. This is of the same reported in his book "The bright light objects in the ninth century," a full part in which more than a thousand translate "biography" of the women lived in the ninth century AH 15 m.

Before that, in the era of governors, submitted to Ms. Nafisa Egypt, one of the family of the Prophet peace be upon him, and was to receive religious instruction in her home has been loved the people of Egypt loved so much.

Among the most famous women in the history of Islamic Egypt, six grab, and was one of my neighborhood Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun. But played an important role in social life and took his education from a young age. Has established six grab a mosque to pray and learn Islamic jurisprudence in the area of ​​Zeinab.

And Khawand Togaa, the wife of al-Nasir Muhammad, which was one of his female slaves chose her and married her. Hassan was exquisite, and she was the mother Anouk Prince, which continued even after the death of greatness al-Nasir Muhammad, and frequently characterized by righteousness and charity, but it's equipped with all Jawaraha. Khanqah has established and made the houses of Sufism, where they learn and live, and I stood on that stopped and made a whole differentiates bread to the poor. Made at the grave of her son's school Nasiriyah Balnhacen readers.

As Ms. Khawand pool, mother of Sultan Shaaban and wife of Prince gay tangerines, which was one of the most women during the Mamluk period, and have been enjoying pomp and luxury. Veensp the great school near the Citadel (school mother of Sultan Shaaban). Organized by the lessons of the doctrine of the Hanafi and Shafi'i. And on the door of the school for the basin for watering animals. She was buried dome school with her son Sultan Sha'ban after his death.

Durr tree .. Sultana wise

Durr tree is the first Muslim queen sat on the throne of a Muslim kingdom, has became famous through the ages a strong woman in control.

The tree-Durr wife Ayyubid Sultan Salih Ayyub, and bore him a son named Khalil died young in 1250 AD.

Was characterized by tree-Durr paid opinion, and sound mind, and when he died Sultan Saleh Ayoub, forces the Crusaders marching from the east of the Nile to attack the Egyptian forces at Mansoura, Vokhvt tree-Durr, the news of the death of the Sultan, and entered the pharmaceutical and food room as if he were alive, and continued stock official out each day by the seal of Sultan as if he was alive.

Took over the tree-Durr Sort matters of state, and managing the affairs of the army in the field of battle, and sent to Turan Shah, son of Sultan of the deceased to lead the country, and managed during the transition period to manage things the country until the advent of Turan Shah in February 1250, but it was not on as much responsibility, preferred to is to take over the affairs of the country.

Has allegiance to the tree-Durr Ksultana on the country, and focused on the liquidation of the Crusader presence in Egypt, and agreed with King Louis IX, who was a prisoner in Mansoura on the delivery of Damietta, but nevertheless also called the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad, a waiver of the Sultan for the rule of the country for a Mamluk; forced tree Durr to cede the throne to Prince Azzedine APIC, whom she married, the King's name and title of goats, and the Queen of her time on the throne of the country's eighty days.

Queen of Egypt Cleopatra VII 69-30 BC. M

Iklpetra became queen of Egypt and the latest ruling in the Ptolemaic dynasty established by Ptolemy I in 323 BC. M., who was commander in the army of the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great, and was carrying the title of "Queen of love for her father"
He was on to Cleopatra (Cleopatra VII) because it was the seventh Queen of the Macedonian dynasty of the same name
Cleopatra sat on the throne of Egypt in 51 AD. BC after the death of her father, Ptolemy II

Seized the guardians of Cleopatra's brother Ptolemy and small power in 48 BC. M and Cleopatra took off from the throne at that time Julius Caesar arrived in Alexandria, Egypt, which was the capital of that time he met Julius Caesar Pkliopatra
Defeated Julius Caesar Julius ceaser opponents of Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII drowned as he tried to escape, and Julius Caesar restored Cleopatra to the throne with another brother is her Ptolemy XIV in 47 BC. M and placed Cleopatra boy and claimed that the Son of Julius Caesar and called Caesarion
Met Cleopatra in 46 BC. M. Caesar and I went to invite her and her son Caesarion and her brother Ptolemy XIV to Rome and remained there until the year 44 BC. M, after a group of aristocrats supervision of Rome to kill Julius Caesar.

Julius Caesar

Cleopatra returned to Egypt and masterminded the killing of her brother Ptolemy XIV so that her son Caesarion from power

Marc Anthony ft in 41 BC. M invitation to Cleopatra to visit him in Tarsus in Asia Minor is well known that the Queen Semiramis of Assyria, Babylon, and has expanded to the king of Persia ... And remember stories that then went to meet Cleopatra Antonio established in his honor banquets and married in 37 BC. M and with whom she had 3 children and his m: Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene, Ptolemy Veladalphus working capital of Anthony and Cleopatra together to achieve their goals and Anthony was believed that the wealth of Egypt will help him to become the sole ruler of Rome either Cleopatra was hoping to put her children, especially Caesarion in a series of rulers of Rome had failed policy with Julius Caesar.
In 34 BC. Was appointed Marc Anthony and Cleopatra ruler Alymusr Kirs and Crete and Syria and the granting of his children and his daughter Cleopatra much of the territory which was ruled by Alexander the Great
These actions angered the rulers participants to Marc Anthony in government as well as Mnaqsé

Marc Anthony

Octavius ​​was also Cleopatra is a woman with greedy ambitions and wide in 32 BC. M. Octavian declared war on Marc Anthony and Marc Anthony lost forces and Cleopatra Battle of Actium on the west coast of Greece in 31 BC. M

Busedoum island that used to contain the Temple of Poseidon, where he was found in that region created by the pier Marc Anthony, and resided at the end of his tongue to his palace, who quit after losing the year 30 BC to Octavian
Returned Cleopatra and Marc Anthony to Alexandria, and months later returned to Octavius ​​and chased after it arrived, and his troops to Egypt in 30 BC. M
It's rumored Cleopatra committed suicide, and Marc Anthony heard the news the same dagger Aftanh grief upon his followers to him and Cleopatra where he died in her arms
I thought that Cleopatra Octavius ​​will be humiliated in public in Rome tried to hold a peace with him, but failed
Cleopatra wanted to be involved Juluis ceaser Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony Roman leaders to rule the world by marrying and becoming a queen, but joined to Mark Anthony Mark Anthony's interview

In the year 1996 found Antrods Island, an island with an industrial port and the Royal Palace of Cleopatra. Also found an old ship, a length of 35 meters and width of 8 meters. Select history by carbon 14 analysis of the first century BC or first century AD. Also found gold jewelry is a gold rings goes back to the first century AD.

Suicide of Cleopatra

In the early days of a mid-August 8 / 30 BC. M ft a Khaddam Queen Cleopatra snake cobra way she committed suicide after hearing the defeat of her boyfriend, Roman leader Marc Antony in the war, and the cobra snake poison has been the slogan of ownership in the Ptolemaic period above the heads of kings, or the pair of snakes if we can believe the words of poets Romans Virgil and Horace and Propertius Brobbertios some historians have stated that the property left shoulder is received by the first sting Alqatbh Others said that the left breast naked

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